22 December 2011

same mistakes again?

Assalamualaikum :)
don't look back..but if we don't look back, we only learning then..
how to make all the same,same mistakes again..-one direction-
 you make me crazily thinked that i'll do the same mistakes again! and i realized that everything happens for a reason. and i i'll make sure that you will be the last bittest moment, thanks for everything Ya Rabb.

i know im not smart enought, that's why im super happy with the result..okey, stop with my worst english. im not good in english like my teacher,haha,memang la, she is a teacher.first thanks to my parents,and finally  i can make them smile like this >> :) and hope that this moment will occur again next time.. to all my teachers, without you i'm nothing. you light up my world like nobody else!. terima kasih atas segala ilmu dan doa. May Allah bless them. walaupun tak dapat apa yang ditarget, tapi apa yang saya target saya dapat..hehe..and to all my family, thanks for the support, doa..thanks for everything!

dan....untuk semua kawan-kawan aku..terima kasih atas segala dorongan...sama-sama struggle, walaupun banyak maen giler-giler..haha.budak-budak kelas 3amanah, 28 orang tu semua i love you!!! to my mathematic teachers, Farhana, Syamimi and semua-semua nye lah.. thanks!sebab sudi ajar dan sabar dengan aku yang lembap math ni..dua-tiga kali terang then, baru boleh faham..haha..thanks atas segala wishes sebelum pmr tu and doa..congrate semua..result okey ke tak ke...we did it, and we must accept it..and remember that..
"struggle more and more,,the lonely journey is still long"-my sister,thanks for this beautiful words... 

to my girlprend,,haha..kan aku cakap dah, aku happy 89.99% dengan result ni..haha! my beloved izah izeaty..weh,,jangan kembang bace ni..hihi..thanks for always be my side..we sharing all our result from the TOV form 1 until pmr, sharing what the feeling together from form 1.. thanks for always gave me your beautiful words,,wishes and doa..even different school, but we alway together.. i love you lah! *sekolah rendah itu best* i miss all the moment..tahniah, i know you happy, but because the situation make you sad..

and the important.. " Ya Rabb, thanks for everything, thanks to listed my Doa"

bahasa arab saya dapat c..okey, i admit ambik arab sebab nak kelas pagi!bila cakap dengan ustaz tak boh ambik arab and he was like" kita tutupp je la kelas arab, kalau semua tak boh ambik"haha,,ok saya ambik.

Ya Allah, sesungguhnya perjalanan kami masih panjang, permudahkanlah urusan kami,terangilah hati kami untuk ilmu yang akan kami pelajari..
 haha..the best present..the beautiful box and bila buka..
"maggi??" hahaahaaa...spongebob_yelloew.. ^_^

p/s : malam tu, you make my heart crazily beating! when you tell me my result, i feel like "awifjufbsadcnswj" and i can't sleep at all..haha..and rasa macam betul ke tahu dah result, rase baru jawab soalan pmr.hahaha. ijah  i'll never forget this moment.. ^_^